Get Your Brave On

What is stopping you from having the life you truly desire? Are there real obstacles? Or just your fear of making a change? Are you stuck in the familiar “good enough” and afraid to reach for more? Is the okay that you know better than the possible better but unknown?

“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light”, Dr. Brene Brown.

Many couples and individuals who come to work with me are feeling stuck - in their relationship patterns, their job, their outlook, and life feels dark and a little hopeless. Having the courage to acknowledge you are stuck and ask for help is the first step to moving into the light towards healthy change.

Courage isn’t the absence of fear - it is being afraid and doing it anyway. Do it. Be Brave. Make the call and start growing the relationship and life you dream of and deserve.

Gottman Method Couples Therapy can help your relationship truly thrive, but you have to take the first step.

I think you will be happily surprised that it isn’t as scary as you think.

Melissa Milne Percy, LCSW

Melissa Milne Percy, LCSW is a specialist in The Gottman Method Couples Therapy, and individual therapy. She helps couples who are dating, pre-marital, and marriage counseling. She is licensed in California, Nevada and Oregon. She specializes in marriage and relationship counseling with couples using The Gottman Method.

Self Compassion vs. Toxic Comfort Zones