Get Your Brave On
What is stopping you from having the life you truly desire? Are there real obstacles? Or just your fear of making a change? Are you stuck in the familiar “good enough” and afraid to reach for more? Is the okay that you know better than the possible better but unknown?
“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light”, Dr. Brene Brown.
Self Compassion vs. Toxic Comfort Zones
Anne Lamott is my favorite writer - in this post she writes about “morbid reflection” - our tendency to ruminate and engage in catastrophic thinking in “toxic comfort zones”. Dr. Brene′ Brown writes that “Empathy is the antidote to shame”, and Anne Lamott reminds us that empathy is giving our selves new habits that actually comfort.
Love in The Time of Crisis
March, 2020…..Every thing feels so big, and yet also so small. Amidst the Corona Virus pandemic we are all adrift, and moored at the same time. Nothing feels certain or secure any more, except the fact that we have to stay home, stay quiet, isolate. Life has become both overwhelmingly big, and also small.
Relationship Goals
Isn’t it time you set some relationship goals? You have been thinking about it, wanting it, afraid of it, maybe you’ve asked for it, but you haven’t done it. I know that New Year’s “resolutions” rarely last, but I also know that a New Year can inspire you to set goals and take action.
What is Your Brave New Ending?
What if the story you live your life by isn’t working? You can write a brave new ending. We are wired for story. Story is about where we came from and where we are going. Story is what gives our lives meaning. It is what connects us to others and allows us to know and be known.
"When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write a brave new ending”, Dr. Brene Brown.